In the midst of sewing. Just could not resist taking a picture. |
.....plants..... |
Small handy bookmarks sewed onto clips and pegs. These were designed as shoes and gloves. |
Some more clip bookmark designs....... |
These were miniaturised shoe bookmarks that I sewed onto extra small pink pegs. Note the bee with little flapping wings. (will upload a better picture soon) |
The little shoe bookmarks developed into mini shoes. These are the size of a cotton ball. They are embelished with flowers, beads and buttons. They even have little laces tied into bows. |
The pink mini shoe is a high top... |
The shoes needed a purpose. And so they became keychains. Notice the butterfly wings attached to the shoe. The start of a trend........ |
A full view of the butterfly wings, all hand stitched. |
Shoe bookmarks to mini shoes and now boot pencil cases. My first attempt at sewing a zip. It worked! |
Little cute pink bows and zebra stripes for these boots... |
Finalised the design of the boots with criss-crossed 'laces', metal medals, ribbons and butterfly tags. |
Another development in my sewing - ballerina cases... |
Pink ballerina cases with beads and flower ribbons. The start of 'Butterfly Stitches". |
Miniaturised the ballerina shoes into little bookmarks with long tailed ribbons. |
Each ballerina bookmark was modelled after a ballerina case. See the butterfly wings? |
The ribbon tail marks the page and the ballerina shoe marks the book as yours.... |
A ballet shoe for a pair of scissors. Why not? |
The next step in sewing. A rooster, named Rooie, designed as a doorstopper. He developed after many attempts. This one is stuffed with toy filling and pebbles. |
What happens when doorstoppers are miniaturised? They become cute little paper weights. A rabbit and a cat with rouge cheeks. |
A bird in the making... ...with patterned wings, beaded eyes, a wooden beak... and painted rouge cheeks. |
All birds need a frilly, matching bird house with pink pearls. |
More paper weight designs. The dog and the owl were the first after Rooie. All on display. |
The start of a new funny bunny in pink, cosy fleece. Its name is hand embroidered on its long ear. Fortunately it was a short name. (My first attempt) |
The funny little bunny now has stuffed ears and feet... ...with pink whiskers, crystal eyes and fluttering eye lashes. And a little pink chequered bow to hold its ears up. |
A new owl look... ... a new owl design. It looked good flat... |
'Who gives a hoot?' A sad, doleful owl who needed a butterfly to feel less blue... |
...and maybe even a flower sun hat to flatter her eyes... |
...or maybe a friend to brighten her day. |
She does look just a little happier... |
All stitched up with curly lashes set with hair spray, a pretty handmade ribbon, little feet too... and a butterfly. |
A second look at her long, luscious lashes. |
A new addition whose mane and paws are stuffed. He has jiggly eyes and a tail with a fur ball. |